+5000 daily users
95% renewal
Sparklane has all the company information on all the companies present in the territories covered. (France, England, Belgium, Germany, Netherlands, Italy & Spain).
The technology developed by Sparklane capable of reading, understanding, interpreting and classifying all information on the public web makes it possible to capture more than 3 million unique business signals each year.
Sparklane gives you access, through its integrated supplier partners, to more than 600 million contacts worldwide.
Sparklane meets the strictest data protection standards.
We only handle public information, or acquired under license, and only provide professional information.
Sparklane is a 100% French company, which imagines, designs, develops and maintains its solutions in France, and hosts them in Europe in compliance with standards and regulations in terms of security.
In addition to company information and business signals, Sparklane allows you to integrate tailor-made business data into your targeting.
Target your prospects based on information such as their technology base, their export volume by country, their gas connection, the state of their car fleet, the surface area of their offices, the end date of their lease or even the weather report…
Sparklane helps you to get the most out of your commercial history and recommends prospects who resemble your existing customers (Look-alike), and who are going through similar news.
With Sparklane, you are never alone.
A project manager and a dedicated account manager support and advise you throughout your use of the solution.
We facilitate onboarding with a simple and intuitive e-learning module.
Regular follow-up points with your project manager allow you to measure your commercial performance and its evolution, and our support teams are based in France and available every day.
+28 million
of companies covered in Europe
+600 million
contacts available worldwide
+3 million
unique business signals captured each year
Sparklane has allowed us to improve our efficiency and the satisfaction of our sales representatives, but also the quality of our appointments as well as our conversion rate
Pauline Brun
Head of Sales