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Infographic | How is the B2B Customer evolving ? What is the impact for the Sales reps?

It’s no secret that the B2B customer has changed considerably over the past ten years. Much more than over the previous century. The modern customer likes all things digital, is permanently connected on the social networks, and uses their mobile a lot to look for information and check their messages, etc. Consequently, they are increasingly knowledgeable about the solutions and offers proposed to them. And they are increasingly exacting. The old sales approach tactics are less and less effective, while cold calling no longer works at all. 74% of B2B buyers now conduct more than half their research online before even getting in touch with a sales person. Sometimes, the buyer knows almost as much as the sales person about the product they are preparing to negotiate.


On this subject, the American website SalesforLife recently published an interesting infographic, entitled “The Evolution of the B2B Customer” which provides us with some key figures:

  • 84% of CEOs and VPs use social media for research before making a purchasing decision;
  • 58% of buyers say they look for information on blogs to perfect their knowledge of subjects linked to their jobs;
  • On average, 57% of the decision process for B2B buyers is already completed before they even interact with a sales person;
  • More than 5 people are involved in a B2B buying decision, on average;
  • 71% of B2B sales people are convinced that their profession will be radically different in five years.


B2B customer


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